SB 125 Transit Program


SB 125 (Chapter 54, Statutes of 2023) guides the distribution of $4 billion in General Fund through the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program on a population-based formula to regional transportation planning agencies, which will have the flexibility to use the money to fund transit operations or capital improvements. The transportation budget trailer bill also establishes the $1.1 billion Zero-Emission Transit Capital Program to be allocated to regional transportation planning agencies on a population-based formula and another formula based on revenues to fund zero-emission transit equipment and operations. SB 125 includes an accountability program to govern the distribution of these funds, on which there is more detail below.

In addition, SB 125 establishes a Transit Transformation Task Force led by the California State Transportation Agency to develop policy recommendations to grow transit ridership, improve the transit experience and address long-term operational needs.

SB 125 Program Allocations (NEW)

As of August 30, 2024, CalSTA has approved more than $2.2 billion to support public transportation as part of the first wave of SB 125 funding. This funding – totaling $2.238 billion with amounts varying based on regional population – is going to 40 planning agencies, with more than $600 million initially requested to support transit operations.

CalSTA anticipates approving additional allocation packages for remaining planning agencies throughout summer 2024, totaling $493 million. The remaining SB 125 funds will be approved yearly through fiscal year 2027-28.

Accountability and Program Development

SB 125 requires CalSTA to develop and administer an accountability program to govern the distribution of funds. CalSTA adopted guidelines governing the distribution of these funding sources in consultation with local agencies. To be eligible to receive money from these funding sources, regional transportation planning agencies must submit a regional short-term financial plan to CalSTA.

SB  125 Program Reference Material


Transit Transformation Task Force

SB 125 requires CalSTA to establish and convene the Transit Transformation Task Force on or before January 1, 2024, and include representatives from the department, various local agencies, academic institutions, nongovernmental organizations, and other stakeholders. The task force is required to solicit and develop a structured, coordinated process for engagement of all parties to develop policy recommendations to grow transit ridership and improve the transit experience for all users of those services. CalSTA, in consultation with the task force, is required to prepare and submit a report of findings and policy recommendations based on the task force’s efforts to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature on or before October 31, 2025. The report must include a detailed analysis of specified issues and recommendations on specified topics, including, among others, reforming the Transportation Development Act.

CalSTA announced the 25-member task force on December 8, 2023. CalSTA anticipates the task force will hold in-person meetings every two months beginning in February 2024.


Task Force Correspondence

Transit Transformation Task Force Welcome Email and Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act Information - December 15, 2023 (PDF)

Transit Transformation Task Force Email Notification of February 2024 Meeting - January 26, 2024 (PDF)

Notice of Transit Transformation Task Force Meeting on February 29, 2024 – March 5, 2024 (PDF)

Transit Transformation Task Force (TTTF) Meeting 2 follow-up – March 11, 2024 (PDF)

Update to Task Force Members (TTTF) Meeting #3 in San Diego April 15 + Overview of Technical Working Group (TWG) Kick-off Meeting

Transit Transformation Task Force Meeting #3 Agenda Packet and Pre-Work – April 5, 2024 (PDF)

Transit Transformation Task Force - Information on Meeting #4

Transit Transformation Task Force Ride Along on August 29th (PDF)