Executive Staff

Portrait of Mark Tollefson 

Mark Tollefson was appointed Undersecretary of the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) by Governor Gavin Newsom in December 2022. As Undersecretary, Mark advises the Secretary on CalSTA issues, programs and departments, and oversees personnel, fiscal and administrative functions, and planning.

Portrait of Stephanie Dougherty 
Deputy Secretary, Transportation Safety and Enforcement

Stephanie Dougherty joined the CalSTA team in March 2016.  She previously worked at the California Department of Motor Vehicles since 2008, where she most recently served as the Chief of Enterprise Planning and Performance.

Portrait of Chad Edison 
Chief Deputy Secretary, Rail and Transit

Chad Edison was reappointed Chief Deputy Secretary for Rail and Transit at CalSTA in September of 2019, where he served as Deputy Secretary for Transportation since 2014. Edison served as Transportation Industry Analyst at the Federal Railroad Administration from 2010 to 2014.

Senior Advisor
In November 2019, Giles Giovinazzi started as Senior Advisor to CalSTA with over 20 years of transportation policy, legislative and regulatory experience.   
Portrait of Marcie Kahbody 
Deputy Secretary of Technology, Agency and Chief Information Officer

Marcie Kahbody is the Deputy Secretary of Technology, Agency Information Officer for CalSTA as well as the Chief Information Officer for Caltrans.

Portrait of Darwin Moosavi 
Deputy Secretary, Environmental Policy and Housing Coordination
Darwin Moosavi was appointed Deputy Secretary for Environmental Policy and Housing Coordination at CalSTA in August of 2019 by Governor Newsom. 

Legal Staff